"Legal assistance and an honest perspective of your case.""Legal assistance and an honest perspective of your case."
International arbitration
We are continually expanding our international practice in complex domestic and international commercial disputes, increasing our overseas client base and multi-jurisdictional cases.
Our experts provide legal opinions, including second opinions, as well as an evaluation of any potential claim that may be asserted by or against a client with respect to any transaction.
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We will always advise you over the phone.
You get fast and qualified legal assistance.
"Legal assistance and an honest perspective of your case.""Legal assistance and an honest perspective of your case."
800 +
Regular partners
85 +
attorneys and lawyers
1600 +
Good luck
1000 +
Court hearings annually
Enforcement of arbitral award
We will protect your interests in the arbitration court of first, appellate or cassation instance, as well as in the revision of the case by way of supervision, on new and newly discovered circumstances. We will achieve not only the decision in your favor, but its execution (if necessary). We will protect your interests in the execution of the arbitration court decision in the bank and the bailiff service.